Shipment & Tracking

Unfortunately, We don’t offer free shipping everywhere at all times! But we offer free shipping for a specified country once a week for orders above $100-150! Please check our campaign bar on the site’s top for more information regarding that!

Currently, We are shipping only to United States, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Australia, and Singapore. Please refer our Shipping Policy for more information.

When your order has shipped, you will receive an email notification from us, including a tracking number you can use to check its status. Please allow 48 hours for the tracking information to become available.

Also, You can use our Order Tracking page to check the current status of your order.

Sometimes your orders will be shipped out from different warehouses caused to stock availability! So some of your order items will be taking a bit longer to receive. Once your order items are shipped out, you will get confirmation emails individually.

If you haven’t received your goods within 30 days of shipment confirmation, please contact us at [email protected]. We’ll look into it for you.

If you haven’t received your order within 30 days of shipment confirmation, Please get in touch with us at [email protected] with your name, email, and order id, and we will look into it for you.

Accounts & Privacy

To register for an account, You need to provide a unique username, email address, and password. Once you registered for an account successfully, You’ll automatically be redirected to the My Account page.

It is impossible to change your username. If it is important to change your username, You can reopen another account.

You can’t recover your old password, but you can reset a password for your account. Visit the Lost Password link on the login form and enter your account’s username or email address. Then you will receive the password reset link for your account.

Please drop a request at [email protected] with the username and email of your account.

Refunds & Returns

Once we have issued a refund, It will arrive within 24 hours.

If you are unsatisfied with the order, You can return them within 7 days of delivery. Please contact us via [email protected] to arrange returning process.

Once we have received the parcel, We will issue a refund within 1 hour. For more information, Please take a look at our Returns & Refunds Policy.

You can exchange the giveaway product for another one before shipment. Once the order is shipped out, It is impossible to exchange.

Aren’t your question doesn’t listed above? Feel free to Contact Us.